Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Vetrivel Murugaruku AROGARA!
Finally what i was waiting for was here!
I am thankful to murugan this year for making sure my presence is there this year!
Went to Take milk Pot for him in the morning with my loves:)
Then showered and back to temple for Ramesh uncle kavadi..
Then a little time to rest and Our briyani at Temple was goooddd..ahah

Trust me the Sun was really bad..
Coudnt even Stand on the road..
My feet was burning..
Finally it rained..
As i thought and wanted..
Later my ana dun need to feel the hotness on his feet while carrying kavadi..
Thanks muruga for the showerings and blessings for my brother and Acha:)

Believe it or not I wasnt able to control my tears when they Started Poking the Arigandham..
I coundnt help it.. I was just praying that all shuld go fine for him.
So A BIG thankyou Muruga For making sure all is fine for him and he did it:)
Iloveyou na..alot ..alot..alot
Sometimes i cannot believe i love you this much na..
Its just gonna be a few days that you are gonna be here..then back to there..
Again im gonna miss you big time..
Cry when i miss you..
Smile when i remember the moments i spend with you..
I hope this few weeks for you here will be a momerable one.
Have fun ana.:)

This week is gonna be a little boring without work..
So have to start thinking what to do Everyday,
I dun wish to be sitting at home and sleeping all the time lor..

Hoping that this week will be better one..

Iloveyou aaetapravin:)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

brotherdearest is BACK!!!!

Today a special ray of light shined on me and made my smile :) I'm really happy because its been missing a while , so glad that it has returned :)
I misssed you terribly..
Aaeta, you are back!! yay!!
I have seen you..Thats the most important thing..
Thats enough.
I got ur big hugs kisses all ready!
Wads more i needed..
I missed you alot na..
Anyway hope this few weeks here will be unforgettable for you..
Iloveyou..Thangachi loves you:)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

yay! ana is coming back!!

I just feel like shouting out loud to let the whole world know That "MY ANA IS COMING BACK"
i dun know what to do..
My mind is filled with him...
Ohh, ana i am gonna see you..
I am really gonna see you...
I misssed uu lootttsssss...
Tommorow faster come..
Dun even know whether i can sleep tonite..
ANA, u are disturbing me..ahha
I had sleepless nights thinking he has went very far from me during last year june..
But now i am havi ng sleepless night thinking of his arrival..
my tears will tell how much i missed him wen he left..
not even one day i fail to think abt him..
loved him so much
its all like a dream of seeing aaeta tmrw..
i really dun knw how am i gonna be reacting..
but im just waiting for the moment to receive his hugs and kisses..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I talk to you on the phone.
I I.M you everyday.
I am missing you because you went on holiday.
I wish you would have stayed a little bit longer.
Or be back earlier.
I wish I could see you just before you left.
To tell you that I will miss you to death.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Is it that im dreaming or is it really true? ahah
Omg i cannot believe it actually

I really hope things will go much better in the future..
I was really lost for words cos i know how much of happiness was in me..
I love you alott...alot ..

Anyway, Paranthaman anna ROM was great.
With all our performances and all..
Our heartiest congrats to the couples..

Took many photos..
Its all on facebook:)
And now waiitng for the ULTIMATE DAY!

Looking forward for PANGUNI ..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Loved ones are nvr replacable

Not that i moved away..You did..
Now you are not suffering..i guess its me..
PLS, try to understand..its a small thing.
I am very upset due to this for this few days aready..
Very disturbed..

I dont wish to continue this and make it worse..
I aready told you before..u mean loads to me..
I cant bear all this..
Lets sort it out soon..its really hurting..
Hope all goes well..
and ayyapa i need you in this.

Weekends was great..with my friday too..
Cycling with chaechi and guru thambi..
very fun..thank you chaechi for tagging me along with urll
i had a good time..lots of laughter and yes i got back the happiness of you..
iloveyou alot always..

So frequent nowadays..
Its like a sharp pain on my head..i cant bear it at times..
No choice i have to swallow the BIG BIG BIG!! panadol..arghh
Wonder when will my check - up be! Hmmm

Can u imagine? oh my god! ahah...i misses u sooo much na..u are coming now! Hmmm..
Iloveyou aaeta:)more more more!!

Friendship is not only about laughter..
but also a trust that the person will be there for u no matter wad..
i will be there for u..
becos i have nvr met someone like you in my life so sweet and special and i wish to keep this forever..
down the road in ten years time i wanna be proud to say i still have u with me..
hey bestie, im sorry dei..lets drop it..and be purselves..i miss the fun we use to have..
see ya soon! iloveyou..

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I dun wish to be Emotional Here
But just to pen down my thoughts...At least it will make me feel better..

At times i think i was stupid to love you soo much and now this is what i get..
I loved you like no other..
Atlast it was so easy to move away..Hmmm..
No matter what i will never stop loving you.
Cos i think you still deserve the best place in my heart..
Sorry if something that i did made you upset.
Will be waiitng for the day Eagerly..
I loveyou:)

Another week is gonna end..
Each and every week things will be new for me..
Newer and newer and it fills me with the magic..
Just feel like singing this to you..
Its For you...:)

There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, because we tend to expect too much.. but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another..
if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere."

*Chaechi..I always loveyou..:)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finally Akkarajes ROM is done.
Something that everyone was watiting for..
We were all sooo happy for her..
Soo gorgoeous lor akkajes..
And our dance item was great..all our hard work and many thanks to akkaduruga for being sooo patient with me..ahah
Great day filled with surprises..love..tears of joy and HAPPINESS!

9 more days!!!
For my brother to be back..
Really i cannot believe it..
He is coming back:)
I love u na..alot..more than you dooo! thats for sure..

and even now, thinking about the relationship of ours in this six years is soo surprising..
nvr did i thought that i will have you in my life na..
as i alwyas say no one can replace you..no one can be you na..
u have the same place in my heart..the highest place where i kept you six years ago..
little thangachi loves you,..

Anyway, work has been fine..
Accept for some stressful thoughts in me..
Getting all over..

Sometimes i do think, not everyone can remain in your lives for long..
Not everyone is gonna be there to guide you through ..
Not everyone is gonna be loving you like you do..
But just learn to treasure the moments with each other at all times.
Tommorrow is never predictable..Just hoping that each day will be a good one..:)

Your presence in my life brings wonderful smiles and loving thoughts within my heart:)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

vinnaithandi VARRUVAYA!

This week has somehow ended..
Here comes a new one..Thats really fast.
With a blink many things happens.. Week was fine along with the practices..Tiring but i enjoyed every moment in it..OkOk i think shuld not elaborate it here more:P

Anyway, Was a little upset by things happening and happened this week.
I was upset when aaeta has to call and ask me about all this.
I guess he knows me well.
And ana, if there is anything u will be the first one to know of. Without ur opinion never will i continue with anything. So dun worry and u know your little one best i guess..
Come back fast cos i still have loads to share with you..

I am waiting na..Its just another 18 more days..
Thats really fast..
I remember when it was the time when i use to tear and tell myself u are soo far away from me and it has loads of days to go for me to see u. But now its just 18 days na..
The excitement in me cannot be told in words..
I miss u na..loads..
I love u aaetapravin!
Remember ah..when u see me whatever is it dun forget the clap Ok..
I miss doing it with you..

At times i feel i have lost someting precious to me..
I miss that little happiness i had..
Those laughters and tears i use to share..
I really miss u chaechi..
DUN know why i have lost you..
Thinking about all those times i had with u really makes me feel the love i had for you...
You know, i just dun feel the same way nowadays without u.
But watever is it..If u are fine and all good im happy for u..
But my love for u will never change:)
I misss you chaechi :(

New happenings..
New found love..
New dreams..
New fairytales..
All this rounds up my this three months..
Waiiting for more;)