Sunday, March 21, 2010

Loved ones are nvr replacable

Not that i moved away..You did..
Now you are not suffering..i guess its me..
PLS, try to understand..its a small thing.
I am very upset due to this for this few days aready..
Very disturbed..

I dont wish to continue this and make it worse..
I aready told you before..u mean loads to me..
I cant bear all this..
Lets sort it out soon..its really hurting..
Hope all goes well..
and ayyapa i need you in this.

Weekends was great..with my friday too..
Cycling with chaechi and guru thambi..
very fun..thank you chaechi for tagging me along with urll
i had a good time..lots of laughter and yes i got back the happiness of you..
iloveyou alot always..

So frequent nowadays..
Its like a sharp pain on my head..i cant bear it at times..
No choice i have to swallow the BIG BIG BIG!! panadol..arghh
Wonder when will my check - up be! Hmmm

Can u imagine? oh my god! ahah...i misses u sooo much na..u are coming now! Hmmm..
Iloveyou aaeta:)more more more!!

Friendship is not only about laughter..
but also a trust that the person will be there for u no matter wad..
i will be there for u..
becos i have nvr met someone like you in my life so sweet and special and i wish to keep this forever..
down the road in ten years time i wanna be proud to say i still have u with me..
hey bestie, im sorry dei..lets drop it..and be purselves..i miss the fun we use to have..
see ya soon! iloveyou..