Sunday, March 7, 2010

vinnaithandi VARRUVAYA!

This week has somehow ended..
Here comes a new one..Thats really fast.
With a blink many things happens.. Week was fine along with the practices..Tiring but i enjoyed every moment in it..OkOk i think shuld not elaborate it here more:P

Anyway, Was a little upset by things happening and happened this week.
I was upset when aaeta has to call and ask me about all this.
I guess he knows me well.
And ana, if there is anything u will be the first one to know of. Without ur opinion never will i continue with anything. So dun worry and u know your little one best i guess..
Come back fast cos i still have loads to share with you..

I am waiting na..Its just another 18 more days..
Thats really fast..
I remember when it was the time when i use to tear and tell myself u are soo far away from me and it has loads of days to go for me to see u. But now its just 18 days na..
The excitement in me cannot be told in words..
I miss u na..loads..
I love u aaetapravin!
Remember ah..when u see me whatever is it dun forget the clap Ok..
I miss doing it with you..

At times i feel i have lost someting precious to me..
I miss that little happiness i had..
Those laughters and tears i use to share..
I really miss u chaechi..
DUN know why i have lost you..
Thinking about all those times i had with u really makes me feel the love i had for you...
You know, i just dun feel the same way nowadays without u.
But watever is it..If u are fine and all good im happy for u..
But my love for u will never change:)
I misss you chaechi :(

New happenings..
New found love..
New dreams..
New fairytales..
All this rounds up my this three months..
Waiiting for more;)