Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Vetrivel Murugaruku AROGARA!
Finally what i was waiting for was here!
I am thankful to murugan this year for making sure my presence is there this year!
Went to Take milk Pot for him in the morning with my loves:)
Then showered and back to temple for Ramesh uncle kavadi..
Then a little time to rest and Our briyani at Temple was goooddd..ahah

Trust me the Sun was really bad..
Coudnt even Stand on the road..
My feet was burning..
Finally it rained..
As i thought and wanted..
Later my ana dun need to feel the hotness on his feet while carrying kavadi..
Thanks muruga for the showerings and blessings for my brother and Acha:)

Believe it or not I wasnt able to control my tears when they Started Poking the Arigandham..
I coundnt help it.. I was just praying that all shuld go fine for him.
So A BIG thankyou Muruga For making sure all is fine for him and he did it:)
Iloveyou na..alot ..alot..alot
Sometimes i cannot believe i love you this much na..
Its just gonna be a few days that you are gonna be here..then back to there..
Again im gonna miss you big time..
Cry when i miss you..
Smile when i remember the moments i spend with you..
I hope this few weeks for you here will be a momerable one.
Have fun ana.:)

This week is gonna be a little boring without work..
So have to start thinking what to do Everyday,
I dun wish to be sitting at home and sleeping all the time lor..

Hoping that this week will be better one..

Iloveyou aaetapravin:)