Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i love u na


WHen u said " I have u and U have me" I almost teared na
No matter wad na u will nvr be seperated frm me
How much i love u is only i knw na
I love u na alot na
I am soooo sad that u are not here na
I cnt wait na
faster come na
Thangachi lovesss u alot na
Ur little one loves u alot na
always na
kisses for u na
lots of kisses!
I waiting to sing for our song! ahha

Brother's love make me tear. Thats how precious it is:)

Annaaaaaaa...Just another 58 more days for u to see ur little thangachii! ahhaa
I miss u loads na
I got plenty to tell you when u come back sooooo pls be prepard for my long long stories
i SIMPLY CNT WAIT TO HEAR THAT YOU ARE HERE! Really i dun knw how much am i going to be happy!
I cnt imagine.
I will definelty give what u wanted. U missed it right na? ahha. Its priceless wad na. i love u aaetapravin
I got loads of places to go with u i got many to tell u and i got bags full of hugs and kisses just for u:))) i love u na alot alot alot!!! For now keep this flying kiss frm Spore. Its flying there!

Music makes my day

In love with this song
Arrahman sir is great:)
A sudden interest in his songs and i realized no one can produce music piece like that:)) Superr:)

And yes not forgetting the new Hossana song..
Wahhh everyday it makes me melt! cheers sir;))

Andyes for the special someone, Each and everyday u make me realize how special u are. Thanks for making my day! And dun worry will sing the song for u! ahha

Everybody wanna know how I feel like, feel like, I really wanna be here with you
Its not enough to say that we are made for each other its love that is Hosannah true
Hosannah… Will be there when you’re calling out my name
Hosannah…Feeling like my whole life has changed
I never wanna be the same, its time we rearrange
I take a step, you take a step and I’m here calling out to you…
Love the lyrics:)))

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Im Gonna miss You.
Its just a while but U never fail to make me smile everyday;)
Come back fast im gonna miss You:(

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Tmrw is Durga Akka's And My Vadivela's Nijayam At yishun:)
Wahh, I am so excited for them
ESp for AKKA;)
Icnt wait to see her Tmrw, I am sure she is jumping in joy Now:) ahha
I love u ka. Thanks loads for being there always since the day i saw you:)\
I am really very happy for u.
All the best ka. I always Love you:))

You both mean loads to me:)Little thangachi loves urll;))

Tmrw is also My first Bio Lap session:)) Kinda excited!!
And my theory at 645pm. Hahha Hoping for the best! I have done what i can:) Hope to pass in first attempt:) Ayyapa be with me:)

Weekends were great catching up with Stan:)
Aftr so long.
Then waiting for this weekend.
Performance on sat. Kinda worried but yet Still have the same energy in me when i was in VSTAR!
Waiting for sunday, Sangeetham class with some performance!Hmmm
And Yes!!
I saw my brother Online webcam Afterrrr soooooo soooo longg:
Imagine the joy i had in me. I was in class so coudnt jump and all:)
I kept it to myself anyways:))
Good to see u are doing fine brother.
I realli cnt wait to see u
Thinking of all those times we had together will definetly make me tear at times.
Now at times i use to think those times i refused to ring and give u that lame excuses:) ahha
Now i feel like hearing after a week has passed!
I always love u na alwwayss...I keep u and i knw how precious i am to you:)
Nvr will i bring you down .
Anyway Na, You have 64 Days to get thangachi's Hug and kisses!! :
Takecare NA:)

Imiss u loads you know.
Now i just wish why dun all those days be there again.
Its been some time since i spent the time with you
Its been some time i laughed teased played cried hugged kissed you
Guess you are busy with many things.
I dun wish to bother you also
After u are all fine and free tell me i will come and see you.
Till then take good care
I always love you
Nvr will i replace you in my heart! I love u chaechi:))

Ps: Ethrayo Janmamayi Niine Nyann Thedunnu;))

Monday, January 18, 2010


When I'm older and a little girl asks me who my first true love was, I don't want to pull an old photo album.
I want to be able to point across the room and say, "he's sitting right there."

Friday, January 15, 2010


Is it Too much that im expecting?
At times i think so..
Asking me was not wrong But you are not the one.
I can tell you Truthfully.

U are not even in my dreams
Then how do you expect me to Accept you?
Nt saying You dont have the expections that i see.
But i dun think it will work.
For now, I am not into anything.
Felt bad to tell you that but You see i have no choice.

I am not even ready for anything.
I am scared Not becos of the world But for me.

Mummy said its not wrong to have an relationship.
But not now. Thats what she always tell me.
And you never seem to be the one i dream about at times.
Yes i want a perfect One
But no one is perfect here. Especially in this time of the years.
Everything has changed.
But I only want that someone who atleast have the Xfactor I dream about everytime.
Never have i met anyone. You didnt impress me too.

The boy next door Is just all i want.
With all the little imperfections and just one perfection that i look for.
Till then, will just move on studying hard and acheiving all the things i have to.
Many goals are in my thoughts. Waiting for the day i will wear the graduate uniform collecting my cert and seeing that little tear of happiness in my Mother's eyes.
I just need ayyapa to be with me.
I will do the right thing with his blessings.

Waiting for the Pretty Thing to happen:)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Filled with surprises:)

It been 11 Days Already:)
Honestly its quite fast. Hmmm..
Anyway Its been two weeks of school too. Not bad. Going good!
Just that loads of things to do now then before.
Open house was Good. And participating Was fun:)
Coming to last week, Mama is back:)
Offically everyone finished their vegetarian process.:))
Weekends was fun. Met up with besties:) had swensens:))
Loads of fun and laughter and yesyes LOVE!
Then sunday at Sangeethamclass. Great. Had a good opportunity performing at ARATHANA!
i WAS AMAZED. First time i was engaged in a classical performance. Filled with music. Instruments. AND YES SUVARAM! Very nice. Looking forward for another one. Thanks teacher for the opputunity:) we love you!

Coming to this week, Tmrw having a dinner with SINDA! For the KAIKODUPOM!
Looking forward to see all of them:))

Looking forward for many things this month.
Thaipusam and yes loads of shows coming up:)
And i miss ana loads.
I cnt wait ana. I need your big barney hug;)
Little thangachi loves aaeta so much:)

Was really delighted to hear u!
I knw i got back you
I know i need you till the end
Faster come i wanna see you
Takcare Bestie:)

Thats it for now:)

Fairytale Happenings;) Lookingforward for more:))

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Things are Not the same in my case.
Always it happens.
Its being very Used to it for me
You might have many around, But I still have u with me where i left you before.
No matter what my love for u will never decrease.
But its Ok. I will not blame u.
Sometimes i dun have the choice but to think NOT EVERYONE IS PERMANENT IN MY LIFE!
So i am preparing myself To face the challenge of losing you one day If anythng happens. I might not be the same Person to u like before but never will i forget those little Memories i had with you.
Takecare:)I ALWAYS LOVE U!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Un kaigal Korgamal Payanangal Kidaiyathu
Unnodu Vanthalae Salaigal Mudiyathu:)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Is it that it will never last?
Why is it always ME??
Its really hard.
I feel the lost..
But i kept u very high and will still keep u there.
I will never forget those days with u
U mean loads.
I am waiting eagerlly for the day to come ..
I need you
Really need you..
I miss u loads..
Ayyapa, be with me ..I need u in this..
And watever happens i still believe its for the good:)
Swamy saranam.