Thursday, January 21, 2010


Tmrw is Durga Akka's And My Vadivela's Nijayam At yishun:)
Wahh, I am so excited for them
ESp for AKKA;)
Icnt wait to see her Tmrw, I am sure she is jumping in joy Now:) ahha
I love u ka. Thanks loads for being there always since the day i saw you:)\
I am really very happy for u.
All the best ka. I always Love you:))

You both mean loads to me:)Little thangachi loves urll;))

Tmrw is also My first Bio Lap session:)) Kinda excited!!
And my theory at 645pm. Hahha Hoping for the best! I have done what i can:) Hope to pass in first attempt:) Ayyapa be with me:)

Weekends were great catching up with Stan:)
Aftr so long.
Then waiting for this weekend.
Performance on sat. Kinda worried but yet Still have the same energy in me when i was in VSTAR!
Waiting for sunday, Sangeetham class with some performance!Hmmm
And Yes!!
I saw my brother Online webcam Afterrrr soooooo soooo longg:
Imagine the joy i had in me. I was in class so coudnt jump and all:)
I kept it to myself anyways:))
Good to see u are doing fine brother.
I realli cnt wait to see u
Thinking of all those times we had together will definetly make me tear at times.
Now at times i use to think those times i refused to ring and give u that lame excuses:) ahha
Now i feel like hearing after a week has passed!
I always love u na alwwayss...I keep u and i knw how precious i am to you:)
Nvr will i bring you down .
Anyway Na, You have 64 Days to get thangachi's Hug and kisses!! :
Takecare NA:)

Imiss u loads you know.
Now i just wish why dun all those days be there again.
Its been some time since i spent the time with you
Its been some time i laughed teased played cried hugged kissed you
Guess you are busy with many things.
I dun wish to bother you also
After u are all fine and free tell me i will come and see you.
Till then take good care
I always love you
Nvr will i replace you in my heart! I love u chaechi:))

Ps: Ethrayo Janmamayi Niine Nyann Thedunnu;))