Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brother's love make me tear. Thats how precious it is:)

Annaaaaaaa...Just another 58 more days for u to see ur little thangachii! ahhaa
I miss u loads na
I got plenty to tell you when u come back sooooo pls be prepard for my long long stories
i SIMPLY CNT WAIT TO HEAR THAT YOU ARE HERE! Really i dun knw how much am i going to be happy!
I cnt imagine.
I will definelty give what u wanted. U missed it right na? ahha. Its priceless wad na. i love u aaetapravin
I got loads of places to go with u i got many to tell u and i got bags full of hugs and kisses just for u:))) i love u na alot alot alot!!! For now keep this flying kiss frm Spore. Its flying there!