Sunday, April 27, 2008

Donuts and Fishball noodles!

Haha. My tittle is like so much about food! Today went cityhall with Girlfriend Praveena! We went to study. Met her at suntec city mall after the funny traveling in the bus. Went to have lunch at the food court we go often to eat fishball noodles! hahah. Then from there went to esplanade librbary to study. Gosh! We were really on task for about three hours! Didnt talk to each other much and we did our own work. I felt so much better! HaD SO MUCH FUNN WITH HER. At around 645pm we left esplanade and walked to cityhall mrt station to get our delicious donuts! Hahha! Took bus 195 and we were talking about the OM SHANTi OM movie all the while together with our donuts! hahah! I got down first then praveena alighted at queensway mrt station which will be faster for her to reach home on time! hahah! Lots of fun. Lots of giggles. Lots of gossips. That is what friends are for! love ya tons!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The fun begins.


Finally Friday was here. The most awaiting event . We finished school at 150pm and started to prepare for our 75Th years of celebration. '' THE FUNFAIR". The weather was really hot. We almost finished all our preparation on Friday. I wasn't able to wait for the next morning. Sithi came over . I forced her to come so the next day she can follow mum to funfair. I got my attire and things prepared before i went to bed.


Woke up at 6am. Went to meet Debra and Geraldlyn in Bukit Merah MacDonald's. Had our breakfast there with my coffee along. We were almost late for school. We reached school and started our last touch up for our MASTERMIND stall. Everything was done. At around 830am funfair was officially started by our principle. Woohoo. Excited. The first stall we went was the nail Polish one. Debra made me sit there waiting for her for almost half an hour seeing her painting nails. Hhaahaa! Then just went around roaming. My shift was only at 1.30pm so we were just going around playing a fool out of ourselves. Saw my primary school friends after grandfather years. hahah! I had so much of fun on that day with my class mates. I wasnt able to spent time with my girlfriend singaravelu as she was with her classmates and busy in her stall. hahah. Debra was all along with me with mellisa. We joined samantha ,kaining and shumei too. Had so much funn. But here and there i got to see singaravelu jumping and running everywhere. hahah. it was really a day of friendship. Spent time with my form teacher too. Mummy, muthu ,vicky and sithi was there around 130pm. IT was my duty time so didnt get to go around with them. Muthu came to play in my stall. hahah. then after shift around 330pm went around sgain with debra. Bought balloons and many badges . lEft fun fair , rushed home as i need to go yishun for bajans. Left home around 530pm with sithi. Bajans was fine in sangeetha akka house. We cut cake for dinish anna and sugu anna. Left home with mama.


In the morning , went to meet aaeta dearest for breakfast. Had breakfast with him , dinesh anna and dass uncle. Later ana went out with dass uncle. So i was trapped by this fat pig. H e disturbed me all the while until i reached home. My gosh! IRRITATING ! Then went back to mamA house. It was so bored there. EESHAWAR DURGA AND BABY was not there. Sithi had to go work at 130pm. I was realli damn bored. So went to meet ana again for a icecream treat. THanks na. tHen went mama house took a little nap and started to be ready for bajans. I was to sing in the stage. hahah! i was really scared.
So went temple. i Was excited to see akka jess. She is really pretty now with her rebonded hair.(oh sorry akka i told out the secret!) hhah. Thanks for your fruit tart akka jess. Then in temple the dance was really nice . Our turn was there. This muthu anna was like sitting directly in front of me showing me his crazy faces. nonsense. Not forgetting akka jes, aaeta pravin, vadi anna guna anna devan anna who gave me the encouragement by smiling . Thanks vadi anna for your comments. Thanks to muthu anna who was giving me the loosu faces and telling my mistake to the world by his golden mouth. arghhh! anyway i really had a good time this weekend. Thanks to aaeta who spent so much for me. haha. and now i will have to set some golden rules for myself this week.

1) Be more attentive in class
2) Concentrate.
3) Sleep early
4) use less time in computer
5) study for mock.

thats it for now! loves!

**i miss you akka jes and akka duruga.
**i love my aaeta so much**
**thanks sithi for everything . loves**

Saturday, April 12, 2008

It look like as if i am too free to blog nowadays! Haha. Anyway this week was quite fine. Quite busy with school as this coming Saturday the 19th is funfair. We are almost prepared. ExCIted in a way. Aaeta was sick and having fever for the past two days. I was so worried when i heard him over the phone. Went to see him Today. I was so much relieved after seeing him. Gave him a big barney hug . Hhaha. He is better now. Went MacDonald's with him. Treated me mac chicken and MC flurry. THEN Met sithi , went to collect nandy's uniform. then went for lunch at northpoint in this Thai restaurant. The food was good. The both of us had HOTPLATE SEAFOOD FRIED RICE. haha. Crazy us. Sithi is s fun to be with. I spent quality time with her. The bond is getting stronger . I love her that much too. More fun awaiting for us. And aaeta don't anyhow say things that make me upset ok. No one knows the love i have for you. Not even you. You are my brother no one can say NO. I will Pray to god so that this relationship will remain forever till my last day in earth. I love you no matter what.

SOME of the photos we took .

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Monday didnt attend school as i was tired after mass bajan on sunday and i was really lazy. hahaa. Went out with mummy . SurprisIngly ana called me at 930pm while i was disturbing akka jes . Haha . I was like ana are u ok? haha. He was playing badminton . loosu . Then called him at 10plus again to sing for him then talk until 11plus. haha. So loong. But he realli made my nite well. So joyful after talking to him. haha. Iwas also so scared for tuesday as it was my 2.4 run. Haha. He made my fears run away by his songs. Thanks na. Love ya ton and tons!!

Tuesday was 2.4 run. OMG. I just didn't want to do it. No choice i did it with Debra. I was like whining all the way until PE lessons to Debra. HA HA. I was able to run without stop for 7 rounds , then i was getting tired and restless but i had no choice but to run. I really wanted to pass so i don't need to re test. I did my best and finally i passed. ha ha. Happy. Thanks to my classmates who cheered me off. I was really unwell after the run. I was really blacked OUT. I barely didn't want to go home as i will miss lessons. I really felt uncomfortable. After drinking 1oo plus then i was quite OK. Rest during my free period with singaraveluu.

After 3pm went up to class to help with the funfair matters as next Saturday is STC'S MEGA FUNFAIR. anyone interested come to me for tickets ok? Went home at 5pm. Took my shower and slept as i was really tired. Woke up at 730pm . wash myself and prayed. Was ready to watch Dreams. HAHA. Interesting story. After that went to do my maths tys and revised abit for chemistry. Went to bed around 10pm.

The next day when i woke up my legs were really painful . cant even stand up right. gosh! painful. wanted to stay at home. mummy was like ok then we should go hospital. i was like why? cos my cousin sis is giving birth today. Then i was so excited. Took taxi around 7am with mummy. Went Thomson medical centre. Waited until 753, the baby was born. haha. i was really excited to see our new born baby boy in our new generation group. hahah. i was the first sithi to see him when he came out with the nurse. SO small he was. Then later waited for rajesh akka to be conscious to see her. Went down to delifrance to have a bite. Then was talking to akka about her experience.haha. She was telling me all those happenings in the oPt theatre. haha. interesting tharmaen mama was so funny. He still can tell me all those he saw in akka's stomach as it was a operation.haha. Went home at 2pm. Rested and did revision in order to not miss lessons in school. And today my legs are still so painful. gosh!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


After school went home at 2pm. Took my shower and went yishun as i had practice for mass bajan on Sunday. Brought muthu with me and reached mama house at around 6pm. Waited for everyone to come. Practice finished at around 10plus. Bought akka jes a small cake and a card, A small gift that i can afford for. sorry akka jes if its too small. haha. Next year i give you a big one. i waited for sithi to return home. Mean while was watching the thillana mohanabal with mama and attai and fall asleep halfway . Sithi was home and mama woke me up. Sithi bought MacDonald's for me an herself , ate and slept .Haha. Damn sleepy.

Woke up at 830am.text ana to follow me to sembawang to collect my uniform . Funny experience . wrote the address wrongly. We almost walked 45 blkS away the actual block. Ana was so funny. haha. Thanks to him. He bought me breakfast then finally reached the aunty house. Collected the uniform and went home with na again. Went over to his place . Played badminton . Actually just sit down only al never play. karthik anna sugu anna fat pig dinesh anna and aaeta came up with a word sembalang. Its actually sembawang loh. anyhow . Disturb me only only. Then met sithi and sitappa . Went northpoint . Bought shirt for appa as it was his birthday. Took bus 855 with sithi . went home . Gave appa that shirt. he was so happy. He gave me a sweet kiss on my cheeks and that made me happy .Once in a while i will receive his kisses. Haha. And slept

here comes Sunday. I woke up at 630am. Took shower. mummy dressed me up and waited for paranthaman anna to call me . Took taxi with him and went temple. Mass bajan was happening and i was bored at times. Had sever headache and wasn't feeling so good. Akka jes left earlier. then at the end. Ate with all the annas and sivaji uncle say that he will drop me home. yeah. Then was just relaxing on aaeta's shoulders. This muthu will not let me sleep at all. keep on throwing the scotch tape on my face. so iritating. Then went home at 330pm. took shower and slept till 730pm and now i am blogging. Weekend was spent like this and fun was filled. going back to school mode from tmrw. That's all for now.