Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back with a new post. School is getting tough. Not easy . i am really trying to work hard this year to achieve my goals! There is test every week once we finish a new chapter! haiz. Mummy just bought me some assessment books to keep up. Tuition teacher is very encouraging towards me. She helps me alot. Teachers in school are also very helpful . Except for some . But my English, maths ,biology , chemistry , geography , social studies teachers have been always caring and helpful trying to help each of us in class. School if fun with Debra , praveena , gaya , Janna and melissa. We dun fail to laugh even a day! hahah! Today was so tiring. We played rugby. We are just learning. Gaya and me always cant go along with balls. hahah! Today in geography class fellisa came to us asking for pad. Then debra said that she has it . So she digged her bag and took it out, and threw it to fellisa as fellisa is always a good catcher in class. Unfortunately she wasn't able to catch it and it flew to the teacher's hand. The worst part is that the teacher is a relieve teacher who came to class instead of Mrs Lao. Obviously he is man! hahah! and there goes the pad landing on his hand. hahah! he was so shocked and he just gave it fellisa . We were laughing out our heads. hahahahah! Debra , next time must know how to throw okay? and fellisa catch it properly! hahah! indeed it was a good day. i am missing Ana. i haven meet him yet. maybe soon i guess. i am missing all my loved ones so much. cant wait to see all on Feb 10Th.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"You're my best buddy,
My favorite friend,
We'll always be pals,
from now until the end!"
i love you brother!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Yesterday i went to suba aka's ARANGATRAM. It was awesome. This is my first time going for an arangatram. to tell the truth it was a splendid performance. i loved it. i enjoyed it. she was rocking the stage for three hours. i was so into the arangatram. nandy was the host. hahha. trying her best to talk in Tamil. it was good indeed! hahah! just waiting for her's. i am so sure that she is capable of doing it. SHE WILL DO IT! nitha aka was there to take care of me until it ended. then it was nandy's time! hahah! i was so excited to see Mr ghana vinothen anna. he was so good as usual. the singer who sang for suba aka was perfect. a carnatic singer who has lots of capabilities. i really want to be like her.hahah! i have decided to start continuing my carnatic this coming February after seeing her singing. it was so good. felt like joining her at the point of time. WHEN WILL I BE A CARNATIC SINGER? DO I HAVE THE TALENT? so many questions on my mind! hahaha! after all it was worth going. CONGRATS SUBA AKA.

JOINING this was the movie i was watching in sat afternoon in sun TV. Ajith's movie. it was quite interesting becos of jothika. THE STory was about how ajith is so loving to music and he want s to be a music director and he goes around the famous music directors asking for a chance. he will not get chances and even if he gets, it wont stay even a day. i was waiting for the ending to know whether he will achieve his dream not. i didn't even wanted to go and take my shower until the movie ends. At last the ending was . ajith will just stop dreaming about his goal and will go and work in some kind of company to support his brother who just recovered from an illness, his sis-in-law, his sister and his dad. THE thing was that his family is so encouraging and supportive towards his goal even he is not working but finding for chances each day. I was like Wat ? I Mean if its me i will really acheive my goal. the ending upset ed me. music is something special ,to someone, who has the passion for it so much. i love music. singing is my passion for life and i wont leave it. arghh. mmmmm.. such a lousy ending .

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pongal 2008!

Brother and Sister made for each other! I LOVE YOU NA!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Karuppar! Sri ayyapan! (i love you swamy)
Tuesday was indeed a great day! At night i was so excited. bajans was happening in temple! so joyful singing! i was really upset as aka jes and duruga aka didnt make it. they couldnt come! omg when aka jes smsed me that she is not coming. i was so sad! wanted to take photos with her with my new cam! arghhhh. but at least i saw duruga aka when i was leaving . i was so excited to see her too. Gaved her a huge hug! i was so bored without the two of them. we were just spending our time in temple doing the villaku. And i just hate some people so much! JUST WOULDNT LIKE TO MENTION NAMES. I was so excited to see aaeta also. he was keep on calling me "yenna OMANAI" .ITS MALAYALAM! hahha! so funny of him! took photos with him! it was areadi 1230am. rushed back home. changed and went to bed at 130am. woke up at 630am to go school. so tiring! hahah! I AM REALLY MISSING AKA JES SO MUCH! LOVE HER TONS!

*i love you ana!*

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hey its pongal. haha! i am so excited today as its pongal. didnt attend school. mummy and me went to temple in the morning . surprisingly it wasnt so crowded! then we went tiong bahru to get myself contact lenses to wear later to temple. then we ate vegetarian meal and went home! Tonite its our event in temple. i am so excited to tie the new saree from kerala. hahah! and i cant wait to see my lovely aka jes and pretty duruga aka my brotherlove pravin and not forgetting my bengali nandy! hahah! we are really gonna have fun! i am just so waiting for the time to be 6pm! hahah! haiz tmrw there's school. but anyway its gonna be fun.

*And gaya i am really gonna miss you badly! you are really special to me! i am happy for you but at the same time i am really sad ! keep in touch gal. loved much!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Welcome 2008! New year is here and i hope that this 2008 will be even more better than last year! 2007 was a year where i got to know my sisterloves more and better. aka jes and duruga aka have been someone who i really loves and care for nowadays! I HOPE that this special bond will stay with us forever. IT WILL HAPPEN! I LOVE THEM! i have many new year resolutions for myself! Firstly STUDY HARDER. I have decided to change many things in this new year! Hope everything will be fine! Last year was a memorable year for me! Many things happened! Many unforgettable experiences , memories and happiness! I found new loves! Everything was just right! I wish that this year will be also a memorable one for me . SO HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!