Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Karuppar! Sri ayyapan! (i love you swamy)
Tuesday was indeed a great day! At night i was so excited. bajans was happening in temple! so joyful singing! i was really upset as aka jes and duruga aka didnt make it. they couldnt come! omg when aka jes smsed me that she is not coming. i was so sad! wanted to take photos with her with my new cam! arghhhh. but at least i saw duruga aka when i was leaving . i was so excited to see her too. Gaved her a huge hug! i was so bored without the two of them. we were just spending our time in temple doing the villaku. And i just hate some people so much! JUST WOULDNT LIKE TO MENTION NAMES. I was so excited to see aaeta also. he was keep on calling me "yenna OMANAI" .ITS MALAYALAM! hahha! so funny of him! took photos with him! it was areadi 1230am. rushed back home. changed and went to bed at 130am. woke up at 630am to go school. so tiring! hahah! I AM REALLY MISSING AKA JES SO MUCH! LOVE HER TONS!

*i love you ana!*