Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back with a new post. School is getting tough. Not easy . i am really trying to work hard this year to achieve my goals! There is test every week once we finish a new chapter! haiz. Mummy just bought me some assessment books to keep up. Tuition teacher is very encouraging towards me. She helps me alot. Teachers in school are also very helpful . Except for some . But my English, maths ,biology , chemistry , geography , social studies teachers have been always caring and helpful trying to help each of us in class. School if fun with Debra , praveena , gaya , Janna and melissa. We dun fail to laugh even a day! hahah! Today was so tiring. We played rugby. We are just learning. Gaya and me always cant go along with balls. hahah! Today in geography class fellisa came to us asking for pad. Then debra said that she has it . So she digged her bag and took it out, and threw it to fellisa as fellisa is always a good catcher in class. Unfortunately she wasn't able to catch it and it flew to the teacher's hand. The worst part is that the teacher is a relieve teacher who came to class instead of Mrs Lao. Obviously he is man! hahah! and there goes the pad landing on his hand. hahah! he was so shocked and he just gave it fellisa . We were laughing out our heads. hahahahah! Debra , next time must know how to throw okay? and fellisa catch it properly! hahah! indeed it was a good day. i am missing Ana. i haven meet him yet. maybe soon i guess. i am missing all my loved ones so much. cant wait to see all on Feb 10Th.