Sunday, September 23, 2012


THE MATCH! This reminded me of the time i watched this BIG match with praveena and gaya at clarke quay!
That was somewhere in February!
During those times, U and i will fight over this match, and i remember the way u irritate me..
Memories go and come..

Tmrw, NEW job! Looking forward but a little worried and afraid about the new environment!
Hopefully all goes fine, and i know HE is with me! JAI RAM!

"it’s a blessed thing to love and feel loved in return.” 
That one person who thinks im am his world, That one person who loves me the most, ONLY ME, That one person who never give up on me! IM WAITING!

Friday, September 21, 2012


Finally exams are over, GOOD JOB TO ME!

Now NEW chapter, AVA!

Coming monday im starting my new job..
Hopefully im fine in it and All falls good on me..
Going to see anjenyar tmrw to get his blessings before my new chapter..

I dont know why i reacted towards you like that over that day, But i felt bad..
At times, i do miss you.. I really do miss the times we had..
But everything happens for a reason..
I know SWAMY wants the best for me always!

Thankyou sitappa for showing me loads of love all the time..
You are my sunshine! Love you more..

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I must prepare myself now.. STOPPPP being soo loving..
All happiness need to end one day.. Everything in this world is never permanent

Relationship might be wrong now, maybe too early becos i yet to complete all my achievements..
I have so many in line, i have to complete before any commitment comes in my way..

When i saw a scenario today, it made me think, sometimes having that someone by your side, guiding you, encouraging you, showing u love without fail.. Its nice, its like a source of happiness, The feeling, the brightness you have in ur eyes are totally sweet!

Dun seek for love just becos ur lonely, Get the right one!
Im waiting! Till then graduation and a good job to be stable, and my car!

My heart is heavy, my thoughts are running, im totally dePressed.. FEVER!
I leave everything to swamy, i know he wants the best for me!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is there someone who dont give up on me

Why is it always me who get hurt and upset..
Will there be atleast one person who loves me and never make me upset?
If there is someone, i am waiting..

I missed you, thats why i wanted to come over to see u atleast for that half an hour..
The train ride for 30mins with u will definelty make my day,..
This few days, i have been very depressed, upset, heavy heart! But ur hugs and kisses will make me feel good..
But u didnt want to see me..

Maybe like was u said, im giving u trouble, i think u aready hate me..
Even if u dun need me, it will not affect u..
Im just a stranger to u..

For me, im always myself..

When everyone say im here for u, dun worry, untill i die u i will be there with u, its all full of lies..
Everyone got their own life..

Will there be someone who loves me and never give up on me?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hate the feeling

Why is it that we gals have to go through a monthly pain!
Argh, i hate it.. but i thank god, i dont have stomach cramps to make it feel worst!

All thanks to my secondary school times where we use to exercise even when we have our period!
Its healthy anyway!

I have something on my mind!
And im going to do it..

Im gonna jog from now on!
Lose a little weight, and also stay healthy..
Doing it earlier will definelty prevent some difficutlies in the future..
Its a secret and im not gona tell anyone about this!

Exams are coming, and im preparing.. Hopefully i do well this time..
Then must concentrate on my DRIVING exam!

I know i am capable of doing it  ALL MYSELF!
I will do it!

No matter how much i get hurt and upset i will never change! Its just me, i was brought up like that..
Why is it always me? When will i wake up and stand on my own legs?

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Ana sucessfully fulfilled his vows today in tank road.. I wasnt there to see him, but my prayers were there and im sure..

My right hand is been very painful for the past two days.. Hate the feeling!

Exams are coming and i want to do very well than previous time..
I am sure i will be able to do it..

Another two more years of hard work, a Graduate! Cant wait!
Good job, a car of my own, a good life!
looking forward..