Friday, June 3, 2011


Sometimes in life, we do things that hurt others.
Someone we love or someone we care so much about.
But sometimes we just unknowingly destroy that moment of possible care and concern because of our pride.
Adding on to all their pains is all we do at that point of time.
Sometimes it almost feel like you can't differentiate what's right from wrong.
You can't coordinate your heart and mind.
Sometimes I can't stand the girl I am. The girl who cries and gets lost at every situation. The girl who can't seem to understand simple things.
The girl who can't seem to share your troubles.
The girl who always tries her best but get nothing right in return.
But thank you to you who is still willing to stay beside this girl despite all her flaws.
She is always asking whether you would ever leave her and the reason is not because she doesn't love you, She's just too afraid that you would give up on her one day so she rather ask and be the first to know.
Thankyou for walking with me when you had a million reasons to leave.