Sunday, June 5, 2011

Do you really love me?
Or just pretending..
Why you always wanna badly see me tear?
You know, it hurts.. I have teared loads for you..

When you need me, you come..
When you dont, you make me upset, make me tear, make me sooo stressed! You throw me away, just because you dont need me.. You know, i feel soo lonely when you do that.. Im just stupid..
Sooo stupid!
I have told you sorry for all that have happen, I have even went to the extra mile of dropping my tears..
But you still go back to everything , make me feel it every twice a week..
I love you so much, i dun need to tell you how much i love you, because i know myself..
I dont know..It just hurts me so badly..

I give you everything, so much from me.. But you dont appreaciate me.. You always say i make you feel soo upset tensed stressed..

You have people to say.. i cannot tell this to anyone.. Im confusedd! BADLY UPSET!