Friday, June 3, 2011


Never will i forget today.. 3RD JUNE 2011!
From the time i woke up, i have been tearing..
Tears are precious, never lose them.. I lost them today just for you..
Never heard you and never have seen you behaving towards me like that..
I know its a mistake.. I know what i did.. Im sorry..
But i will never give you up for anyone.. Because, you mean the world to me..
I got scared you know.. It was totally different..
We had fights before, big arguements ,but not like this today..
But at the end of the day, i realise how much you love me ..
I know you were so badly hurt..
Seeing you just tear one drop hurts my heart..
I cannot bear to see you in this way..
Because, i have loved you, cared for you, and have hold you very tight in my heart..
Days go and our bond has been very tight.. You have been the one who brings smile to me everyday..
I dont fail to see you everyday..
You mean lots to me..
Your happiness is mine..
I dont do anything which makes you upset or hurt..
When i see you getting so worried for me, i had a smile in my heart that you love me so much..
I dun expect anything from anyone.. I always give what i have in whole..
But i appreaciate everything from you always..
Like wad i always tell you,i look forward for each with you..
Another few more days or so you are gonna leave me and go..
I am gonna have the hell of days with out seeing you everyday..
I have aready been soo used to spent everyday single day with you, now its all gonna be different..
How am i going to be with out you!? Im getting crazy thinking about this every night..
I might not tell you, but i know how much it hurts.. I am soo scared that i will lose you.. Its definetly not gonna be the same when you go over there.. I will miss you the most..
I dont know.. Everything i leave it up to swamy..

But deep down in my heart i can tell you very surely that, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
Im sooo sorry for everything..

and remember, no matter how much you scold me, throw me away, i will stillhold your hand and walk.. i cannot lose you.. i dun know why..

Un nenjilae baram, unnakagavae naanu, sumaithangiyay thanguvaen..
Un kankalinn ooram yetharkagavo eeram kannerai naan matruvean..
I am here for you, to hold you very tightly, give you loads of love, make you feel warm and smile all day.. I will be the first person to be happy when i see that very sweet smile on your face always..
Remember, your happiness is mine!

Dont worry, all your worries will be ok soon. I told my swamy aready.. He knows the best for you..
Keep strong.. swamy saranam..

ps* 17 days left!