Saturday, April 23, 2011


Sometimes, i just feel like giving up..
Just think, i too need some love, care from you..
Always want those from you..
You nvr fail to give me those previously!
But now, everything seems diff!
You know, if im gonna tell you all this, u are definetly gonna say i dun understand u..
I am losing hope..
I feel very far from you.. I know u have many things to be done, to acheive, but, a simple msg will nvr take u long..U knw rite i always expect things.. when its u, a little more.
Its ok, i am used to this aready.. Like how u use to say.. Its my turn..

Must i give u soo much love, when i dun receive anything from you?
Must i give u care, when i am not bothered?
Must i sacrifice my time just to msg u or call you, when i dun get any attenntion from you?
Thinking, still thinking.. Im confused!

Everybody said , dun needd, wad u know abt this person. I insisted wad.. I wanted to have a healthy relationship with u.. But where is it now? TO THE DRAIN!!

I am losing my interest or rather, started to stop thinking abt u nowadays!
At times i forget about you..

Im just gonnna just go along, not gonna utter a word, Gonna be myslef, just me!
People come and go, i would put u there then..
Im gonna wait and see..