Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Akkajes and Daven annae Wedding was AWESOME! Sooo nice and happpyyy to witness the moment when i saw akka getting married! My heart was filled with loads oh happiness. My heart skipped a beat when the music of wedding was played and we blessing the couple with the yellow rice! Wahhhh!

Akka, you are MARRIED! congrats ka..

And now everything is back to normal and i would like to maintain this for long and no more mistakes..
I have made the move! Im back to my commitment! BAJANS!

Now its the last week of school, Applied for the part time job in ICA, hopefully i get it..Praying hard!
Its sooo pressurizng! Im totalllyy confused! I need time just for myslef.. Time to have some stress free time with gaya and praveena.. I need it..

Or rather need to settle things asap.. Im getting easily stressed!

ANAAAA, I miss you! flying kiss! nvr even call me ah you.. forget me right.. im looking forward to hear u na.. i got lots to tell you btw.. feel like seeing you! haiz.. Thangachi loves u na.. takecare..