Sunday, February 13, 2011


I was watching ATTAM NOORU VAGAI vs DHOOL in vasantham just now..
There were 5 judges who judge the programme,
SATHISH from india, the great dancer who came in the unnalae unnale movie songs was also a judge there..
There was a comment he said about vishnu, our local idol, saying( yeppadi ivanga dance panni boora irrukutho, athaimari ungae hosting boora irruku)
To reply him back Vishnu said, (Orrae vittu  orru vanthu..and he stopped there)

So is it right for vishunu to say so?
I think it was a little wrong for him to say so in a national TV!
Maybe sathis was just joking about the comment, part of the script! But Also thinking about the talent we have here, its also wrong for sathish to comment so when he doenst know nuts about our local talent..
Its was a sarcastic joke when he said that..

All this unnecessary comments are being talked due to the lack of profeesionalism in hosting in tv..

But watever is it Kudos to vishnu annae who did a GREAT JOB!