Thursday, February 3, 2011


I was just thinking, wads the point of being so true and loving to people who dun even bother..
Me being true to you and there u go with ur nonsense..
Then wads the point of u saying We know each other for long, We are blood, We are best frens and etc..
I knw u well for long, but i am always the stupid one to just forget everything and act like nothing happened all the time!
Why is it always me to be taken advantage of! Trying to change myself for good..
But one day u will realise that i loved u for who u are! Never will i give u up..
My swamy knows and he will guide me thru..i am sure!

Why will i have to worry when i have lots of loved ones beside me , loving me for my imperfections!
I would treasure those becos its more worth it then wasting time with u...

And coming to the HAPPPY part,  THREE MORE DAYS!
Akka jes is getting married! Very excited for her! Looking forward!!!

ANA, i miss u lots! i mean it! flying kiss with lots of love!