Saturday, June 19, 2010

Its the Daddy's LOVE

Happpppyy Father's Day DADDY!:)
You are so special and Thanks for everything daddy..

I feel safe when you are with me;
You show me fun things to do;
You make my life much better;
The best father I know is you..

From teaching me to ride bicycle and helping me escape from all those mummy;s naggings..
As a father you have done everything For my part i will make you proud pa.
Thnaks for all the guidance support advices hugs and kisses.
I treasure you and i keep u very close to me.

Daddy you my first hero and the first man i kissed.
U are special in every way.
I love you pa alot and My heart say ur name always..
I might not spend the everyday with you but i make sure that atleast i get to share things with you everyday..

And loving that I'm daddy's little girl.:)