Wednesday, September 2, 2009


*Looking at this photo makes me always feel so pampered by him! My favourite photo!

I loved my day today!
Love my both GG AKKAS!
Anyway, Camp was unexpected
Had a fall
Anyway i missed home so i had to come back!
For the past one day i was missing my brother so much
I had tears when i had to think about our times we spent together
The number of unlimited hugs he use to give me when i need his love!
I will run going to him to get his kiss and hugs
I really miss him loads
Yesterday was a day i missed him loads
Tears will tell the love i have for him
Surprisingly i heard him at around 33oam
I only remember saying I MISS YOU ANA to him
I was deep in sleep!
Ana was so sweet to say that he felt like hearing me so he called!
Thas something i like from him
It shows the love he have for me
I realised now that he loves me sooo much than wad i do!
Having him is something i need to thank god each day
I always dun fail to pray for my ana!
Make sure he is fine there at all times
Glad that now dinesh annae got webcam so all at home can also see him!
So haapy for aunty and accha and dinesh annae
I wonder how much they miss aaeta
No words for that
Finalyy i got to sing him the song i wanted to today
I practiced ad yes it was a sucess
isnt it ana?
Its onam today and ya its the song for the day
Wonder when will he be back
Cos i just cant wait for the next year to come
I miss my ana's kiss the most
His songs and love always keep me smiling
I miss u na
so much that no words to tell u how much
My tears will tell!
I WANT to run to you and hug u tightly and tell u how much i missed u for this couple of months
When will the day come?
Iwill pray to ayyapan to make the day come fast!
I love you ana
I love u always ana
Keep listening to my teddy bear and it will make ur day!
Take good care pravin dass