Saturday, June 13, 2009

Excited yet worried

Its Been Quite long since i blogged and i have decided to blog today.
Holidays are coming to a END! HAIZ.
Tmrw is the only day i can rest and THATS IT. haha
My normal routine of dragging myself to school in the morning is back.
Anyway Weekends was good and still going good.
Went to meetPraveennaaaaa..
haha. I missed her badly.
Glad to see her today. It has been some time since i catched up with her.
We had a great dinner. Thanks to Elam uncle and Aunty.
Was great spending time in Gaya's house.
The dogs were so adorable.
Especially Princess. haha. Gaya, I pack her and go home ok?
She reminds me of mine last time.
We had good food. Sweet icecream and also looking at all those old albums of gaya.
haha. We still remeber your MISS INDONESIA PHOTO. HAHHA
I miss ur smile gaya.
Come back faster. We both have lots to share with you.
Must go cycling. hahha

Miss you and all our Nonsense in School
I still remember those times when we use to play badminton. Most of the time the shuttle will fly and drop on the floor instead of we hitting it. haha..
Come back faster gaya lets have fun together. We both are waiting for you.
Study hard and all the best for you Exams.

And about me ,
Nothing so special ,still moving on.
School is gonna start and i got to be commited in work again.
16 More days and its very fast.
I still use to remember when my counting down was at 50 days.
Its just too fast.
But remembering what Elam uncle told me,
Its gonna be great for ana
He is going to learn new things and come back with new skills.
Its all good for him
I am just telling myslef all this to make sure im fine and not remind myself with this.
Its bond filled with lots of love and care and that make so Scard and worried when he has to leave and stay there for Two years.
But again its all for his own good future..
All the best ana.

And i cant wait for the special day.
I am done with the things but still have something special to do.
Should be done by next wednesday. I will try.
And thats it for now.

*Enjoy ur trip Praveena. Take care.