Sunday, May 3, 2009

Life is filled with joy

Ok its Sunday and Tmrw is Monday and i have to go Schoooollllll...Haiz
Anyway, Public Holiday and weekends were Soo fun!
Friday, Went down to beach for Uncle's Birthday Party. Its was Fun seeing All my Attais mamas and children . Nandy and i as usual went for cycling. Hahaha. We so damn funny!
Anyway it was so great to spend time with everybody there. Even my Grandma was there. We cycled all day and had lots of food and some chatting with Ravi mama. And playing with kids. Camwhoring! and many! I loved the day with Nandy! Thank you Akka! Photos are all in Facebook.
And Saturday i was damn bored at home, Even though i was tired i wanted to go somewhere and spend my time instead of Staying at home andplaying Computer..
I didint have anyone to follow me out and i wanted to my Girlfriend Badly! hahaha yes, Praveennaaaa.. Finally i met her.Damn long since we saw each other...Fort canning with Bestie was fun and crazy! We had lunch together and it was so damn Fun. Talking and playing and teasing and sharing and all made me sooo happy on Saturday. I didnt have the heart to leave and go home even. Cant wait for the next Meeting Actually. I miss Gaya actually. She and her sweet smile and her Scary Looks she gives me wenever i do something Stupid! ahah.. Sorry gaya! ahahah. ILOVEYOU!!

And ya, I actually Miss bajans
During My chicken pox i missed many and i miss singing actually.
So thought of attending this week bajans. I MISS SINGING FOR MY AYYAPAN! HAHA
School is going good and im entering the third week now. Thats so fast actually.Exams are nearing and ya im back to mugging myself with notes...
I miss Lots of myLoved ones. School is taking lots of my time and the only thing i do when i go home is to shower and sleep and skip my dinner.
I miss Sithi and Sitappa
I miss Gaya
I miss my Sastha Pillaigal lots
I miss Singing God's Praise
I miss Singing to myself and updating myself with lyrics
I miss Praveenaa
I miss AkaJes and her hugs
I miss myslef actually for not Getting involved in things that im supposed to do due to school!

**I am just a little Heartbroken Due to some reasons.
People use to say they miss me but I dun really know how true is it for some people
Missing someone is Actually Painful for not seeing that person for months weeks or even years!
But its true for some who really loves their dearest ones so much!
In my case i am not so sure actually
Anyway im missing that special person of mine
Hope to see that Special person soon ..
God knows when is that day! I will wait for it Silently!

ps:57 more days