Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Iam so SLLEEEEPPPPY Now. (Waiting for Vadi Annae to come Online) haha. Today is Science Module and I just hate my Lecturer!
Haha. Not being so bad here lah but i just Dont like her.
I Feel so sick now..HAIZ
No new updates about me and things around me yet..
School is going fine and this is my third week areadii! Getting used to the surroundings around me and the coldness in class and in school..haha
And today was so surprising to hear Mine and Ana's Venmagam Song in the radio. My god! I called ana on the spot. But ana didnt answer! haiz....

And im so in love with the Chotta chotta ninaiyithu tajmahal song sung my sujatha. Soo beautiful. Im hearing like all the time. A sudden Preference!