Thursday, April 16, 2009

To tell about the orientation yesterday, it was Boring.
Full of games.
Later part of the day it was better as i got to know all of them from our group
We were Playing and Sharing things about ourselves! haha
Met New Friends. Was goodbut i still felt uncomfortable in that new environment!
Very tiring. I felt so tired . Went Bugis with debra and geraldlyn for dinner and some shopping..
Reached home at only 10pm.
Damn tired!!! arghhh. Went to take my shower and in that tiredness i forgot to ring aaeta to tellhim imhome! Arghh
I got another scolding from him! HAHA
Then had some sharing with Mummy
Then went to bed! wooooohoo. felt So good on my bed hugging my Piglet..
hahha.Then received Vadi annae's sweet msg! haah.Then went to my own wonderland!
Woke up at 9am today.
Thanks to ana who woke me up. I managed to watch SUPERSINGER!
Tmrw i need to go Again for the last day of orientation.
Finishes only at 9 plus! arghhhh..

Saturday is coming and i cant wait to Hear My singers Sing.
ps:74 MORE DAYS!