Friday, April 17, 2009

Thought Of bloggin about Durga akka's Pet Caesar

Heard that he has passed away
Seeing her Facebook made me tear
I know how hard she feels now
It makeme Think about My veran for a moment
Dogs are really Special
And for me Veran is really special
I had Fear for dogs but when i had the chance to know more about veran thats when i started to love him.
So much of love that i cant even bear him crying in pain at times due to his ear infections
I use to tear when i hear him crying
Not even a single Beat i did on him
He is precious to me
Every single day without his nose kiss i cant stay! haha
I understand Durga akka's Pain
Its ok akka ..Let caesar rest in peace! Definetly the memories you had with him wont be faded!