Tuesday, July 22, 2008


HEY HEY BACK WITH A NEW POST. FINALLY I GUESS! Adi masam has begun and i am fully occupied with Bajans . HAHA i love it mann! Firstly on Friday ,The ratham at JUrong east. Fantastic . Really faboulous , Bajans was as usual happening and it was a stage performance. i Iwas glad to see Akka jes and Akka duruga. We had fun and guess what i saw Praveena and her sweet mummy. haha. Lots of crapping and laughs. I was excited to see her even though i saw her in the morning in school. hahah. Tats freindship i guess. Then went home wIth Nathan uncle in taxi and reached home . Saturday was in vadi anna house. I was not well in the morning but i decided to go to anna'S house cos i promised him. Bhajans was double happening. I love it so so much. Food was even more double happening, many things to eat and i didnt know where to start from. After that decided to leave as it was almost 10pm. Guna anna Devan anna and Ana came down with me to take taxi , they almost made me shout in the road. nonSENSE people. Anyway the next morning went to kumar mama house for bajans. Damn tiring. Then in the evening went over to another bajan luckily it was nearer this time at Bukit purmei. haha. Guna Anna and me was so delighted that we could walk and go atleaSt for one time, haha. Met him under the viodeck and we started to walk, by then bajan started and we joined in. Bajans was fine. We people had no voices to sing. Everyone was so tired. haha. After that it ended ,we ate then left to the viod Deck to relax. This Dinesh anna started hiS normal nonsense, by then it was drizziling. We had no umbrella thanks to Guna anna ,Vadi anna, Ana ,Sugu anna who actually took the vetti thundu to cover me up. Nonsense. mamA drooopped us . Guna anna and i was happily strolling home. hahaha. Next day was schoOl and i was damn tireD i was down wih sore throat and now i am down with Fever. gosh! haha,. tats all about it, and now i waiting for the ladies prayer this friday and i wish i could sing my new ammaN song becos it s our pooJAI! OMSAKTHI!