Thursday, December 6, 2007


Today work was fun. i reached at 2pm. Teacher siti , teacher shanti and teacher zuli was having their lunch. bryce was awaken as usual. haha. we had a small discussion about taxi drivers . haha. all started becos of me. yesterday it was raining heavily so mummy wanted me to take a cab instead of a bus to home arnd 7pm. so i flaged for a taxi . there came a taxi and it was one of the kid' s dad. he was bringing them home. so he asked me whether its ok if he give me a lift. haha. then i sayed ok. haha. free ride home. uncle was so sweet to drop me until the carpark. so nice of him. that was when we started to talk about taxi drivers. haha. then i called aka jes. we were having a chat about the new gal. haha. then vadi anna was on line. it was a conference. haha. vadi anna got new fren called caramel. hahaha. AND WE HAVE LOTS OF FANS AH. hahaa. i am so excited to see the sis this sat. haha. but i hope she dun come straight to me . anything nvm got my AKA JES WAD. HAHA. eeshwar thambi is here to stay. he will back home on saturday. must bring him on sat afternoon to yishun. still waiting for my results. so scared. haha. but aniwae still enjoying my hols and occupying each and everyday.