Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Back with a new entry. TOday teacher shanti was on urgent leave. omg. i got to go work at 10am. haiz. luckily teacher zuli (supervisor) and wao lousu helped me out. quite ok and i managed to take care of the children till 7pm. haha. thats surprising. todae at work i was talking to teacher siti . i dun usually talk to her but todae i was almost talkin to her for an hour. we were discussing about the latest news in the NEW PAPER TODAE. THen i received call from my aka jes. haha. WE were discussing about the new member who wants to join us. She is so scary i mean the way she reacts . Funny too. i have never encountered this before in our group. ANd the worst part is that she came to me first. hhaa. WHAT IF SHE COMES TO TEMPLE THIS SAT AKA JES?? HAHAH. YOU WILL BE THE ONE ATTENDING TO HER . ITS CONFIRMED. HAHA. YOU OUR BIG AKA IN OUR GROUP WAD. haha. i GUess i have another week for my results . mmmm. scary. CAnt wait for this sat for bajans in temple. And its mummy and daddy wedding anniversary. haha. thinking of wad to get them both with my first pay.haha.
Thats all for todae. going to bed. nitez.