Monday, September 3, 2007

Firstly, MEGA MASS BA JAN was happening!! The day before nandy and me went over to temple to help out with the souvenirs .We tied everything with different colour ribbons ..So exciting!! haha! Then aka jes said that we got to be in temple by 7am in the morning! I was supposed to usher the guest of honour! wow! soo exciting!! Then i headed back home with nandy, i stayed in her place.we went home and started to ready the accessories for the next day and the Saree must iron! soo tiring , we came home at 12pm. we went to bed at 1pm..tok tok tok tok..until 2.30pm! Nandy say must wake up at 5am so that it will be just nice for us to be there at 7am. Aka woke up first she then woke me up. we got ready and left home ..soo excited at that point. At around 830 baj an started! we had work to do. We wasnt singing for the first session! It was almost 1110am, i went down with aka jes , nandy to be ready for the guest honour ushering. Deven anna and muthu anna was acting as though they were the guest of honours..ah aha!! loosu people!! Nandy and i was standing at the stairs waiting then suddenly i saw a man standing beside me ..IT WAS THE GUEST OF HONOUR..OMG.. i ushered him to the meeting room and he had his refreshments! It was really a good experience for me! i enjoyed doing it! FINALLY, second session was there! All the gals were having meeting.WE WAS ACtually make uping!! ha ha!!gaya aka was soo expert in tying sarees ..haha!!Second session was power .. so lovely ..and not forgetting vadi anna , muthu anna , karthik and mama, they too sang soo nice. i love aLL THE SOngs!

The sad thing was i was supposed to sell CDs. arghhh, no one bought for the first time i opened the shop accept for one lady who bought wen i went to pack up!haha!! so nice of her..i complained to aka all i dun want the shop!! haiz..but then in the night alot ppl buy okae! i selled 9 CDs. i got ninety dollars now! ha ha! I HAD REALLY GREAT TIME WITH AKA JES , AKA DURGA, SUBA AKA AND NANDY! WE were laughing all the while ..haha!! JES aka was having sore throat when we were told to sing hari narayana!! haha!! soo funny!! I really enjoyed that entire day with my lovely akas!

And not forgetting my ana! i had a fight with him wen i was selling CDS. i AccidentalY said YOU GO AND Find NEW THANGACHI. I DUN WANT YOU! He was soo serious about it. WEnever i walk pass him he ignored me! i was not caring about him that time.haha. then later i felt sorry so i went to him . had crocodile tears and i said i am sorry . HA HA!! so dramatic!! HE WAs OK then . then, i was relived.Such a long fight! ahaha!!before i went home , i hugged him and said sorry Ana for hurting u! And dun go and find new thangachi okays!! ahha!! He is someone i respects and loves alot!!...