Monday, September 3, 2007

Now its about me!! ON saturday , i was supposed to meet nandy at her place and go to her dance class and then we go and collect the uniform! i was late becos of some stupid thing i did! i was so tensed. Nandy was calling me . i didnt know wad to do! i was still in in outram , and it was 4pm! i am supposed to meet her at 4pm
nandy was so angry. i was so tensed and irritated. i felt that i should go home now. i was standing at the control station at outram and called amma to tell her that nandy called me and she had to leave now cos her fren waiting for her down her block! i cried on the phone . i didnt know wad to do.nandy was on the another line asking me to come to tampines now. i didnt know how to go also as i was so tensed.i did nt know wad was i doing! amma wasnt able to console me on the pone, i said i want to come home now!! tHEN bama amma called and ask me to come there and she will bring me to sembawang to collect the uniform with nandy! i went there!!

NOWADAYS, whenever i get tensed or stressed or even so sad i tend to cry it out! i cant stop my emotions .Even a simple movie sentiment make me tear .I JUST dun know y!! i am getting to soft!!