Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just wanted to post a random post in my blog so that it wont be so dead!!
anyway, i juz did a haircut .. i have my own PsP now! yipee!!! play all day!..But not really , i am studying social studies all the time! ss n level is on tuesday..i got to be prepared..i am prepared for 90 percent...the rest god knows!!!!! hahah!! mass bajan is also coming, quite excited..this time wearing saree..hahah!! green colour somemore!! its gonna be striking...hahah!!
And sorry jes aka, that day when i called you my phone had some problem thats was y i couldnt hear you!! i made you shout!! haha!! i am sorry!! i was thinking about this over two days whether or not u was irritated with me!! hahah!! hope not!! see ya and aka durga on saturday!!!