Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just wanted to post a random post in my blog so that it wont be so dead!!
anyway, i juz did a haircut .. i have my own PsP now! yipee!!! play all day!..But not really , i am studying social studies all the time! ss n level is on tuesday..i got to be prepared..i am prepared for 90 percent...the rest god knows!!!!! hahah!! mass bajan is also coming, quite excited..this time wearing saree..hahah!! green colour somemore!! its gonna be striking...hahah!!
And sorry jes aka, that day when i called you my phone had some problem thats was y i couldnt hear you!! i made you shout!! haha!! i am sorry!! i was thinking about this over two days whether or not u was irritated with me!! hahah!! hope not!! see ya and aka durga on saturday!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ermmm!! today was quite fine!! My last prelim ppr was held todae!! Chemistry..It was quite manageable, i did my best! Then, i just came home from sembawang. WE went to The aunty house for the Saree blouse measurement. I went to nandy house and siva appa brought us there! Nandy knew the address so i followed her confidently! then, she say 350b is the block and it is 14th floor! we went there, reached the floor. We went around finding for the house. then we came to this corner house, the door was locked. wE wanted to knock then i saw a chirst outside the door,haha !! Wrong house!! then we went to this indian house, outside got the thoranam and kolam!! So we thought this is the house. Nandy ask me to p[ress the bell, i did press! Two times but the door wasnt opened! Nnay knocked the door so hardly two times! Then she ran away!! that was the frightening moment for me! THe door opened, this man opened the door and ask mE WAD?? i was soo shocked that i said ermmm, wrong number!! hahah!!! NANDY WAS HIDING!! i was there trying to say sorry to that person!! WaH LaO!! so embarrasing!! ahhhhh!! Nandy i want to kill you!!! Then , we call jes aka, and found out that we are in the wrong blk!! HaIz!! we found the block and went there finally to give our measurements!!!! wad a stupid day!! i got to get scolding from an unknown person!!!! arghhhhh!!! NANDY!!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I am soo happy that many of my loved ones WERE so happy for me getting distinction!!! Not forgetting amma, who was really happy for me , appa who was so happy that he gave me a kiss, haha, my dog , haha, my sweet sithi, my loosu sitappa, my everloving mama, my retro durga aka, my lovely jes aka, my only aaeta pravin, my sweet gowri aka, my puli gejax aka, sisterlove nandy, lovely fren ammu, cute fren gaya, skinny fren praveena , ganga aka and all my relatives!! thanks for all your sweet wishes!!! this is really encouraging for me!! i love everyone here lots!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I ScOrEd dIsTiNcTioN fOR My tAmIl!!! haha!! soo happy!! i cant juz belive it.i thought i couldnt do it! the moment i went in to the hall to collect my results , i heart was pumping fast! i was so scared! mrs kong was addressing us about the results! this time it was good! finally mr sekaran was saying out the results! my name was called, i scored distinction!! so happy!! i was relieved! now , i dun need to care about tamil!! ahaha!! got to concentrate on my other subjects!! welldone banupriya!!hahah

Sunday, August 12, 2007

SeE ThE DiFfErENcE!!
MoNkEy aNd mE!!
tIgEr aNd mE!!
Yesterday, i went to ana house for adi masam prayers!! it was superb!! bajans was happening!! I sang nadaraja with sangz aka!! haha!! usually, we two sing it!! we really enjoyed ourselves singing it!! hahah!! we were making everyone sing with us!! so much of noise!! ahaha!! It was soo nice to see her after soo long!! My durga aka and jes aka wasnt there!! miss them!! many ppl got trans!! i was so scared!! i love the amman!! she was so gorgeous!! i love the tiger also!! ahaha!! wasnt able to take photo!! haiz!! then after everything we left arnd 11pm!! i didnt eat!! my stomach was upset!! dinesh anna was so sweet!! he was forcing me to eat!! he say, atleast eat for anna da!!haha!! so sweet!! then he gave the padayal rice!! then after saying bye bye to all annas and aka, i went to find for my ana!! mmmmm, after 15mins i found him!! hahah!! then after say bye bye i left ..paranthaman anna brought me home!!soo tiring!! i came home and change and went to bed!!! todae i only woke up at 11am!!! hahah!!!
On friday i wen to the ZOO!!! HAHA!! paranthaman anna brought us there!!! so long since i went there!! i saw many animals!! so excited!! i turned into a small kid after seeing all those animals!! haha! you know what, giraffe's tongue is 53 cm!! so long! we spent almost one whole day there from morning till early evening at 6pm!!! tat was so long!! we didnt know that time was passing soo fast!!! i saw almost every animal except elephant which was soo far away!! i saw monkey, polar bear, tiger, white tiger,leopard,giraffe,zebra,smelly rhinoand many more!! all thanks to paranthaman anna and aka!!i enjoyed myself!! i will upload the photos soon!! watch out!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

HaPpY BiRtHdAy siNgApOrE!!!

Today prayers in ammu"S house was good!! I WAS SOO happy to see all my sisters and brothers again in bajans todae!! it is since 4 to 5 months i have gone for bajans!! becos of my studies!! wen i was in bajans todae i was soo excited to sing again with everyone!! i misss everybody!! this sat ana house got prayers!! i going!! ahaha!! excited!! i was even more happier to see my ana there!! i miss him!! anyway todae was really a tiring day for me!!! got to go to bed!!! bye bye!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

A friend is someone who walks into your life, when the whole world walks out.A friend is someone who can make you smiles, beyond all circumstances.A friend is someone who listens.A friend is someone who gives you the best advice.A friend is someone who will never passjudgment on you, no matter what you've done.A friend is someone who believes in you whenyou have ceased to believe in yourself.A friend is someone who knows exactly what you're saying, when you haven't even said anything.A friend is someone who is there with you every step of the way.But, most of all, a friend is someone that you can grow, cry, laugh, learn, love and live with.
gaya,is my good friend!! some one i know for about three to four years!! someone who does not gets angry at all even if i am disturbing her!! some times she do la!! but not all the times!! todae, i actually got back my geog mock back! i didnt do soo well!! i was quite sad and worried!! gaya, was the one who encouraged me and say that i can even do better next time!! that was really encouraging fo me!! i really had that confident in me and told myself i can do it!! not only in this, in many things gaya, do help me!! i really treasure her as my good fren!! i dun have have a best friend till now, but she can be my special fren in my life!! sometimes i do disturb her or irritate her, she is juz fine with that!! ahah!! she always have that smile on her face!! anyway gaya, i juz want to tell u that, all the best for ur n levels this year, and dun be disturb by all those non important things in school. thanks for everything fren!!!