Friday, August 3, 2007

A friend is someone who walks into your life, when the whole world walks out.A friend is someone who can make you smiles, beyond all circumstances.A friend is someone who listens.A friend is someone who gives you the best advice.A friend is someone who will never passjudgment on you, no matter what you've done.A friend is someone who believes in you whenyou have ceased to believe in yourself.A friend is someone who knows exactly what you're saying, when you haven't even said anything.A friend is someone who is there with you every step of the way.But, most of all, a friend is someone that you can grow, cry, laugh, learn, love and live with.
gaya,is my good friend!! some one i know for about three to four years!! someone who does not gets angry at all even if i am disturbing her!! some times she do la!! but not all the times!! todae, i actually got back my geog mock back! i didnt do soo well!! i was quite sad and worried!! gaya, was the one who encouraged me and say that i can even do better next time!! that was really encouraging fo me!! i really had that confident in me and told myself i can do it!! not only in this, in many things gaya, do help me!! i really treasure her as my good fren!! i dun have have a best friend till now, but she can be my special fren in my life!! sometimes i do disturb her or irritate her, she is juz fine with that!! ahah!! she always have that smile on her face!! anyway gaya, i juz want to tell u that, all the best for ur n levels this year, and dun be disturb by all those non important things in school. thanks for everything fren!!!