Wednesday, May 25, 2011


SITTAPPA,  i know that you have so much of love for me..
I too have loads of love for you sittappa..
Your happiness is mine.. I will never leave ur hand and walk alone.. Becos i know that you mean lots to me..
Never even for once think that, i will leave you and go.. YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE SITTAPPA!
Loveyyouu many.. kisses! Im gonna miss you badlyyy for this three days!

I was looking at mythili's facebook.. Those photos she had with her brother while he was there for a short holiday at texas..
I miss my ana..

But again, mythili's brother is coming back here, leaving her there..
You know, its realli painful..
Ask me i tell you.. Having ana there for this two years, i missed him like so badly..
I had difficult digesting thatt he wasnt here for this two years.. But now, he is gonna come back for good..
But looking at those times.. HAIZ! I use to have tears on my eyes at night thinking abt how much i miss him..
Ya it was difficult for me for a very long time.. I remember the first day, june 29 2009.. when he gave me his last hug and kiss.. I tell you, i was seriosuly gone! I coundt see my ana going  off to somewhere very far from me..
I know the pain, i know how much its difficult.. How terrible is it when u cant have ur loved one beside u when u need them..
In this two years, i think i have grown taller and a little more talkative, right ana?? hahah
But ana, i know how much i missed you, how much i went through..
When u went army, i still remember na, i will run to my phone when u call me.. hahah...
This two years have passed.. u are going to ba back for good.. Im gonna have u all for me..
and ya, time for me to be good also.. hahah.. WARNING!: BIG BROTHER COMING BACK!! HAHA


Just finished packing my bag!.. Haiz..
Actually, im not in the mood for CAMP!
But no choice ..

I guess i will miss sittapa the most..
Ya of course i will miss mummy, daddy, muthu, vicky, sithi and my laptop..
BUT SITTAPPA, I will miss you th most...
Dun know how will the three days will be without seeing you or receiving ur morning kisses..
I will miss u sittappa sooo much..

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sacrifices is just one side happiness..

Shall i compromise my happiness for you just becos i love you, or for at least once i do something that i love.
You hurt me by words.. You say i dun give importance.. But at least for once can you allow me to do something that i love.. Its my happiness.. everytime i sacrifice things for you, just becos i love u soo much, but i too have my own happiness..Pls understand..

Off for camp for three days next wed to saturday..
Looking forward and also a little tensed about it..

ANA!! 29 MORE DAYS!! i miss you na..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time flies

I miss chaechi actually.. Like soo much..
I miss those times we had together, almost eveyday i will see her..
Look forward to see her and spend time with her..
All its not like last time i would say..

Whenver im down i always could rely on her.. She made am impact on me..
Now i dun get to see her always, its been sooo long aready.. haiz..
And guru and aunty, always took care of me soo well.

I miss them all..
I must go and see chaechi soon, i really miss you chaechi like sooo much..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Went temple today for madurai veeran abishegam..
Feel so blessed,and seeing mama i felt even better when i got his blessings!

Swamy, bring mama safely and do takcare of him.. He is coming to see you swamy..
Swamy saranam!

The moon today is sooo beautiful! I miss ana.. :((
Yesterda your song made me tear na.. So sweet to hear u, Always a joy to hear you na..
I love you na..

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mummy turned 43

HappyyyBirthday mummy..
Its the 43rd birthday and im proud to be yours ma.. Wishing good health and wealth and always keep smiling..
No body can replace you, whether its the normal naggings, or some arguements between us, i still know that, mother is the best friend..
I love you mummy..

Assumtions are termites to any relationships.. True isnt it?!

Now nothing is coming by to look forward to it excitingly.. But ya, hoping that each day brings happiness..

48 days more for ana to be back.. Im missing you na..

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mixed emotions kill me at times.. arghhh..

Why?! I dun know..
Feel the little pain in heart for some reason that i myself dun know..

It only takes less than a minute to ruin an entire relationship but it takes months to build it up. <3
Interview wass SCARY!! hahah
But Indeed a memorable one..
Thankyou soo much sittapa for following me and waiting there for me so patiently just to be my Guider!
Felt soo much better when i had u beside, the fear went down when i received your kiss yesterday before i went it for the interview! I loveyou loads sittapa

THREE OFFICERS! whoohoo.. I had goosebumps! hahah
But hoping for the best and i know swamy knows wad is right and wrong for me..
With his blessings everything will definnetly fall in place.. I know!

ANA! guess wad, ur msg was the one made me smile really wide!
U are always there for me na.. I know! And like wad u said, all will be fine right na..

Back to school on wednesday! whoohoo long holiday hor!
Need to go and prepare for FYP presentations!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You know, this picture made my day!
Na, your smile, is everything to me..
Your hapiness makes me me smile widely too na..
You seriously LOOK sooo HANDSOME!
En kannae patturom na..
Eppo na varingae?! I miss you na..

Its my destop wallpaper, it will make my days DELIGHTFUL definelty!

Thangachi loves you.. she have a pending song for you na..

Going for interview on coming friday.. Hope everything goes cool..
SWAMY, be with me ok.. I am gonna be soo tensed, U have to guide me ok..
I know you will swamy.. I loveyou

NA, this is the song, that i wanted to sing for you..

Friday, May 6, 2011

You know, loving somebody is always nice, but being loved is just a awesome feeling!

ANA, at this time i could only HAVE YOU in mind!

Looking forward for monday!
And hoping that all goes good! REALLY GOOD!
Swamy, Be with me..

Missing you lots ana, 58 MORE days!!