Saturday, May 14, 2011

Interview wass SCARY!! hahah
But Indeed a memorable one..
Thankyou soo much sittapa for following me and waiting there for me so patiently just to be my Guider!
Felt soo much better when i had u beside, the fear went down when i received your kiss yesterday before i went it for the interview! I loveyou loads sittapa

THREE OFFICERS! whoohoo.. I had goosebumps! hahah
But hoping for the best and i know swamy knows wad is right and wrong for me..
With his blessings everything will definnetly fall in place.. I know!

ANA! guess wad, ur msg was the one made me smile really wide!
U are always there for me na.. I know! And like wad u said, all will be fine right na..

Back to school on wednesday! whoohoo long holiday hor!
Need to go and prepare for FYP presentations!