Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its about time i wake up

I saw ana today, after some time! He is going to go back on monday! Hiaz..

Hmmm. no matter wad im still gonna miss him badly and thats for sure!
I wanted to talk to him, tell him loads of things, catch up those impt things but it didnt work out!
Instead it was a day where i heard ana talk more than i did..
I was upset with myself for all tose ana made me realize today..
I was lost when i heard him say so many things.. I was just a little upset that i didnt have a good tim with ana..
Im sseriously gonna miss uu na.. i dun knw whether u miss me or not, but i do na..
Im so upset na.. How am i gonna survive without u for another maybe 5 to 6 months..

I survived but just feel empty without u here with me..
No matter wad na, nobody can be you! No matter whether u scold me, slap me, tease me, irritate me, dun hate me na.. Cos i love u so much! Takecare ana!