Friday, January 28, 2011

A stronger bond

The week is gonna end too.Im mean ending in just two days time..
Thats fast! Another two more weeks for school term to end too.. yay!

Had a chat with akkajes, practically everythin i wanted to tell her and discussed with..
Feels lighter, and know what i need to do..
I would say i didnt make the wrong choice by keeping evrything within me and cry everyday..
She let me knew certain things and made me wake up my mind. Now as she sais, its in my hands to change the situation im in. And definetly with HIM beside me no worries. SWAMY SARANAM!

Its the 28th aready! ana will be back home in texas on the 29th! woohoo! now i can hear him everyday.
Missed him..

I learnt, a relationship doensnt needs a daily hug, daily kisses, time sPent together everyday, chats on the phone every night but all matters is the bond! How strong it is. Its like, never see you for soo many months but the butterfiles i have in my stomach and the tears i have without me realising when i see you .. That even proves me that i have a strong bond with u na. nobody can ever replace u in my life, YOU ARE MY TREASURE NA. How much love we have for the each other.
I truely aggrees to this, and for all i can say is i miss ana so much but still in my heart i have him and love him like how i did for past 7 years! Thanagchi loves you aaeta. flying kiss! catch it na!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fasting ends this wednesday!

Its the 17th jan, Time flies ah!
Looking forward for the month to end..
Akka jes wedding coming.. excited for her..

I miss ana, its been also two weeks since he left.. really fast.. Looking forward for the five more months to fly even faster also..
Thangachi loves you much, my flying kiss:) catch!!

You know, it was so nice to hear you say all this yest.. I was simply soo happy to hear you say this..
I know, you love me and glad that you know i loved you more .. Things are getting better and i hope i will have a beautiful relationship with you this year and the coming years ahead! Misssyouuu loads and loads and loads.. jus looking forward for the day where i can hug you and jus shed a tear to tell MYSELF that i finally saw you!

Fasting is gonna end this wed! hahah.. I wanna eat MAC CHICKEN!!

Swamy, it was a more than a month fasting period that i had for you.. In this month of devotion, i had loads of fun and your blessing! Having the secured feeling of you beside me always.. That was seriously very spritual.. Swamy, I need you to be there for me always and i know u will be.. I love you so much ..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I miss my Brother

Ana has left to US!
I have started to miss him the moment i left after hugging him so tightly!
I will miss you na, Just like how fast it was having u here for two weeks, i hope this 5 to 6months it will also be fast , very very fast!!

Just like wad i said, it just feels empty without u here with me na..
Looking forward to hear you brother..
Thangachi always loves you and thats a promise!
Flying kiss..

I just want you to know that I would never ever leave you.

As long as you're staying, I'm staying here with you and thats a promise!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its about time i wake up

I saw ana today, after some time! He is going to go back on monday! Hiaz..

Hmmm. no matter wad im still gonna miss him badly and thats for sure!
I wanted to talk to him, tell him loads of things, catch up those impt things but it didnt work out!
Instead it was a day where i heard ana talk more than i did..
I was upset with myself for all tose ana made me realize today..
I was lost when i heard him say so many things.. I was just a little upset that i didnt have a good tim with ana..
Im sseriously gonna miss uu na.. i dun knw whether u miss me or not, but i do na..
Im so upset na.. How am i gonna survive without u for another maybe 5 to 6 months..

I survived but just feel empty without u here with me..
No matter wad na, nobody can be you! No matter whether u scold me, slap me, tease me, irritate me, dun hate me na.. Cos i love u so much! Takecare ana!