Monday, December 6, 2010


I wanna badly confront you but i dun wanna do that too..

U jolly well look after urself before you go and talk about anyone else..
Do you even relise that you are being a very big KAPO, for talking about pthers and spying them..
Do you know that its very rude.. Bloody hell, U have the biggest mouth!, Trust me, thats it for me and you!
I was just an stupid listening, and being there for u all times..

Rememeber stop being a idiot, and a busy body, see yourself in the mirror and then comment about ppl around you! U will answer for all this! SERIOSULY U WILL ANSWER FOR THIS!

and thankyou sooo much for atlest letting me know wad kinda person are you..
Thats it, seriously thats it.. Im gonna wake my mind up and be strong..

Im just being soo bothered by all this kinda things, this just make me feel sooo upset..
But i dun wanna stay like that for long.. I just need some time..

I guess all will be fine after i spend some good time with swamy!
the whole of last week coudnt do anything for him, Now back to him..
swamy i need you!