Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I love you MAMA!

HappppY 39th Birthday Mama.
Just wanna take this opputunity to tell you how much you mean to me.
I might NOT be msging you or calling you everyday.
I might not spend some time with you
But my love for u is always there in my part
You are part of my acheivements mama.
For me to be how i am now is also because of you..
Still remember the times i use to be with you during my younger times.
The card games, singing time , catching, cycling..
I miss those! You are the first one to guide  me in music!
I know MUSIC beacause of YOU mama!
You mean loads to me.. I might not tell u this everyday But Seriosuly I LOVE YOU AND I ADORE YOU!
So proud to have you with me always! keep acheiving higher dreams and with HIS blessings You are always BLESSED!
Uncles like you are Precious and FEW!