Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Romantic love will gradually
fade in intensity and companionate love will start to develop.
In some cases, couples may end the relationship, hoping to find the “right one” who can rekindle the magic.
On the other hand, other couples may build a more realistic picture of the relationship by cultivating a companionship that is very much necessary for long lasting love.

So true isnt it? Yes it is:)

Library is my best friend now. hahah..
Books arre coming back into my life..
It really makes my day...Feels good doing soo..
Occupied with some new knowledge and practical stories:)

Another thing IS My HEADACHE!
Foo..the bestest friend now who dun fails to visit me atleast once a day:(
Its really so painful at times..
Arghhh..i hate it...

Being loved. And i love it:))