Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Emotions rule me;(

Just dun feel soo good this few days. Been so confused and worried.
Something so surprisin.. Feel diverted at times.
Is it becos of the too much of attention im receiving.?
Yes i am blessed to have you. Thanks for all the love and care. I will never forget you. But im just a lttle worried. But im confident about my own stand. Haiz

Exams are coming and i remember what ana told me and yes i know what to do..
Preparations for it are going good. Have the confidence and swamy be with me. Iloveyou..

Ana i miss you loads na. Soo much.. How i wish you are here for me to come running to you and give you a bigg hug:) I loveyou always and it will never change.. Missyour thangachi song miss your lame joke miss the way you irritate me miss the way you kiss me just missing your presence with me here. not for any reason i am ready to lose you. You are my world and you play the biggest part in it:)) THANGACHI LOVES YOU ANA:))

keep my kiss aaeta:)