Saturday, February 20, 2010


Chingay 2010 Was AWESOME!
This is my First time I was participating and it is One of the Greatest Experience i had.
Can see how much each and every Performer had put in their Effort in it:)
Awesome thats what i can say
I practically watched the whole event standing on a chair for almost 1 hour and more! It was soo fun:)
Photos are on Faceboook:)

Anyway I feel that this week is so fast:)
Waiting to attend class tmrw:)
Monday onwards im gonna work and yes NOMORE waking up Late:(
So saturdays and sundays are gonna be my FREETIMES! Who is free? ahha

March is also Gonna be here..
Aaeta is gonna be Back:)
Another 32 DAYS!!!!
Akkajes Rom and Paranthaman anna Rom Is also gonna be on march!
Its a colourful Month I would say:)

Had a chat with mama After a long time.
Many things i would say i did today:)
Practicing songs and Yes learning new songs:)
Thanks mama for the new song, I am writing the lyrics now..
Will bring it for practiice with you next week:)
Such a sweet song:)
I dun always say this to u but u are the one Who made me sing, Who made realize that i too can sing. And if im like that now its all to u:)
I must thank you for that coaching. I love u mama:)

This few days loads of thoughts has been disturbing me
Yes i just miss certain things in my life
Thinking will i get all those back
Hmmm, I just need a break
I just need someone to hug me tight and listen to my cries
Kinda bothered! Just hoping things will go fine
All up to SWAMY! I need u AYYAPA! Be with me Im Just lost..

ps: Imiss u ana..I miss ur big hugs where i can just hug u tightly and cry to u all i want..Faster come na..Im Just waiting..I love u na