Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Its december. Thats reallyfast.
Its coming to a end also. New year is gonna be here.
Lots of Resolutions in my mind..
Many things to be done and cleared..
Hoping for a blissful year.
Stan has left For enlistment
Missing him Loads.
Sorry for the unnecssary misunderstanding da.
I didnt mean anything
No mater what i will always keep you with me
I am gonna wait for the day for you to be back and yes i have got some thing for you.
Hope you will have a good time there
Do takecare of urself
Will be waiting for ur call stan..Loves:)
Ayyapan season is going great too:)
Waiting for irumudi Kattu:)

Cant wait for monday to see my Loves..
Missing urll
And today Gonna meet GG akkas and nandy For swing session..
After so long..Excited!!

Cant wait for Gaya to be back..
4 MORE DAYS DEAREST! HAHAH..i cant wait!!
Lets have fun..Its been so long..
SUNDAY!!!! a day i will be looking forward!!!
We miss you gaya!
Praveena, Come dei lets bring gaya around SPORE.. two years ready what!
She might have forgotten! haha
I need ur hugs PRAVIN DASS
Thangachi loves you:)