Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trying to put up a fake smile

Gosh I just cant believe that Its Tmrw.
The day i wasnt waiitng for.
I am soo tensed and too worried.
Just have no mood to even have my dinner.
Anyway, sastha fiesta was great as usual.
I had many fun and all these made me forget many things in my mind.
My soo long wish came true today. Thanks to suba akka who brought me to play Swing in bishan park("Gowri akka, i play ready")
And ya As i was waiiting for ..ANA pushed me in the swing.
Even if its for a while i loved the moment ana
I am so out of mood today.
Anyway i wish my Only dearest Brotherdarling ALL THE VERY BEST TO YOU THERE.
Work carefully and take good care of urself
Eat well and remember that as i always tell you I am in your heart ana
Come back faster and i will be waiting for the day.
Many hugs and many kisses for you aaeta
Thangachi always love you and no matter what you will be the only Precious gift for me.
Take care.