Monday, June 29, 2009

No matter how far you go. You stay in my heart always

My Precious one has left To United States
Today i is the day i didnt wanted. Its the day when i have to experience The Pain.
Its a very Hard feeling.
I didnt had the chance to say goodbye to him in the airport . I didnt wanted to experience the pain there.
Nobody knows how much i love ana even i dont. Its a imeasureable love between us.
This two years without aaeta beside me is gonna be hard.
Tears coulnt be controlled when hugged him goodbye
Im gonna miss him badly
I need some time to get through it
Wish when will school start
Usually i hate to go school but now i have n
no choice to keep me occupied.
Its only 5 years since i know him But its like centuries
The bond is special
I have never went across a day without hearing ana
Even if i dun He will somehow Try to hear me
Most of all i will miss our long night chats
Those chats are not be forgotten
Those moments i sing for him and make him so touched.
Aaeta, i dun know what to tell myself to feel good
I know that you are also going through the same thing
As you said, i have everyone here but no one can be you ana
Thangachi will now wait for the day you return back
Will be waitin for ur calls.
Take good care and remember you are bringing me with you in your heart..
Dont worry na
Everything will be fine
Ayyapa, Be with him there and take good care of my Brother
Ana, as i always tell you Pravin aaetanukku Nyann than istam
take care aaetalove
will miss you badly! thangachi loves you more than anything