Monday, May 18, 2009


Ok its the fourth week in schoool and Im lovin it! haha
I almost get used to the Places and Surroundings.
My class is sooo Fun. I love my Lecturers and I get going in Schooll. hahaha
My cognitive Module I scored An A! hahah. Damn Happy. Flying on cloud Nine la Actually..
As Ana said I am Soo Into Debates. Should join Debating! haha..He knows that i very good in Arguing. He knows Why. haha

Anyway I made Many New Friends Like quite a Number. Going Good..
School is fine Except for The travelling and Tiredness That i Always go through. Sleepy But not That sleepy when i come home. Arghh

Modules are going good and Each day my Confidence Grows in presenting. Love it nowadays. No choice i have to do it everyday..

For now I mean NOW..
Many confusions.
Many funny findings for certain Things that i Undergo.
Many Happenings.
But as usual The same ME..

And for you ANA, I know that you have something that is disturbing you and Making you upset.
I can see it or realize through the way you talk to me.
Take it easy na. Have that smile on your face and Take it easily.
I wish im there with you and sing you song everyday to make you feel beta(I guess)
I will not disturb you na. You get things over then you can CAll me or Msg me. Till then Pls Take care of Yourself ana. I miss you and yourself being normal. God bless you na. Dun worry Aaetadearest! Thangachi loves you as usual.

ps:41 more days!