Monday, April 27, 2009

Arghhh i am damn Sleepy!
Now is my break time so i decided to blog.
Yesterday went for Muthu Annae's Birthday Party.
It was fun seeing Him being Blindfolded ...
But i guess it was a great Surprise for him..
The cake was soo delicious! haha
I bought him a card and Perfume..
And the best thing yesterday was Muthu annae was supposed to say "SORRY BANU " FOR 21 Times to me for all those nonsense he did to me for the past 5 years.hahaah.
I was flying in cloud Nine!hahaha. It was so damn SURPRISING To see himsaying Sorry to me. hahaha. But i felt bad lah actually..But NEVERMIND!!! I know how i felt when he used to bully me like nobody's business!
It was fun At the Dam. haha.
AND Monday is here and i dragged myself to school in the morning..
Damn Sleepy and today Is Maths Module.. Arghhhh
Cant wait to go home and SLEEEEEEPPPPPPP!

**64 More days
Ps: Ana, im sorry if you think that i made you upset or something.
But i still love you no matter what na.