Saturday, November 15, 2008

Graduation and PROM CUM 75th ANNIVERSARY

Woohoo. Its over. HahA.
Graduation was in the morning.
Was so honored to collect my scrolls on the stage.
Was so happy to have my family with me to witness the graduation of mine.
My Aaeta was also there trying to take pictures of me at all times! haha
Went breakfast with him had talks and clarified many things with ana.
then ana went home and i went home to get things readi for PROM! HAHA

Went to curl my hair and it really turned out good. Thanks Debra for telling me about this.
went home got Ready for PROM
I loved my dress and my hair so much. All thanks to sithi!
Everybody said that i look like a doll. my god!
Dinner was fantastic and the day was definitely a memorable one!
I am really gonna miss my class mates and friends. Tool plenty of photos yesterday . definitely photos speak more than words i guess. A NIGHT TO REMEMBER! A night where i had so much of fun. Shocking thing was that i received the first prize for the lucky draw in PROM. Guess wad its a IPOD NANO. 8GB! HAHA GOSH! Cant believe it. Definitely it was my day! haha
And not forgetting My BROTHERLOVE! I love you so much na. God bless you at all times!

haha. tmrw is karthikai season
i am damn excited. gonna start it off in Ana house. sorry sorry ANA SAMY house! ahah!
swamy saranam!