Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Test test test!

Now that school has started this week. I am stress as usual. Monday Pe lesson we checked Height and Weight. HAHAH. I am 168cm. LOoks like i went shorter. Then 45KG. HAHA. STILL IN THE UNDERWEIGHT SECTION. ANYWAYS. ITS BEEN TEST TEST TEST! Drives me crazy. Tmrw is Biology test. I am kinda Prepared. ARghh. Planned to go temple this saturday with girlfriend but cannot make it. Must go to cousin sis house at yishun for some thing. Arghh. Sorry babe i disppointed you i guess! Next week is A PROMISE. BajAns made me go HIGH for this two weeks. Haha. I am glad that i turned up for almost every bajan except for the weekdays. Today there is meeting in mama house regarding MASS BAJAN. I didnt go thats why i am here blogging . Haha. Aaeta thanks for your advices and encouragement. YOU always make me GET GOING in the morning! Cant wait for AUGUST 16th. Cant wait for AUGUST 1ST. Kuselan is making me HIGH TOO. Cant wait to watch it with Sithi Sitappa and Nandy! Mock Exams are coming. Daily lectures by teachers make me worried! Days are passing by SOOO fast. I am only left with 79 more days foR OLEVELS. Revisions are going on as usual and i do make the effort to study. I miss those study sessions with Singaravelu! MIssing Gaya at this point of time. I just dun know why i am missing her presense in school for this few days. I miss you gaya! Come faster! Will be all waiting for your return! Missing lots of people now. Mahe mama , Sithi , Sitappa , Sabrish baby , Gaya , Akka jes and duruga akka( even though i saw them both last week. ), Nandy , SUBA AKKA (hahah. the funny akka who call me ooku!) and my AAETA.